
I'm Tim. I'm a writer, editor, educator, and organizer. I maintain the International Peace Resource Center Library and web pages and publish The Wordsmith Collection. I am currently an editorial consultant for a newspaper in Portland,Oregon and a radio show co-host at KBOO 90.7fm. I tutor privately and teach part-time at local colleges.
Biographical data:...
I am a trained teacher,an internationally certified tutor, and
a computer consultant. My credentials include degree in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing & postgraduate study at Northern Arizona University. I also studied at Antioch College in Ohio, University of Missouri at St. Louis, Fullerton College, Cal-Poly Pomona, and The University of Montana at Missoula. I teach college, do private tutoring, maintain thousands of web pages, organize, and remain active in my community. I have been teaching at Portland Community College since the fall of 2000. I tutor at local libraries and coffeeshops, and work with students at PCC and PSU.
I develop curriculum, administer websites, and create community service learning projects.
I currently have two cats. Petunia lives in my house in Missoula, Montana... and Zulu lives with me in Beaverton, Oregon. I rent out my Missoula property, which includes three bedrooms attached to a resource library. The International Peace Resource Center Library is registered with the city and is home to a rotating exhibition of local artwork.
I respect my friends privacy!
If you want to talk...here is a public chat room...
and blogs: Blogs

I publish online, write, teach college, edit, tutor, participate in international forums, play cribbage, ride motorcycles, garden, hike, bicycle, read, and enjoy people & music.
I play chess, fly-fish, golf, canoe, publish, travel, fly, jump out of airplanes, do radio shows, and work as an organizer and peace activist.
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